School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council’s function is to plan for the present and future operation of the school. It meets once per Term to review the school’s financial position, review capital development planning and to consider reports from representatives of the St Jerome's P&F Association, St Jerome's Parish Council and the Principal.

The Advisory Council holds its Annual General Meeting in conjunction with the Catholic School Parents’ Annual General Meeting in November. Membership of the School Advisory Council is an opportunity for parents to be involved in the organisation and management of the school. The Advisory Council is accountable to Catholic Education Western Australia.

St Jerome’s School Advisory Council 2024

Chairperson Daniel Papaphotis

Deputy Chairperson Antony Pullella

Treasurer Alison Franchina

Secretary Sandra De Freitas

Parish Priest Fr Navis

Principal Chris Cully

Parish Representative Clare Manjoro

P&F Representative Shelly Cornell

Committee Members
Vince Bellini
Kristen Watts
Susannah Robinson
Vanessa Alaniz

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